Text experiment regarding relationship between somatic experience, external stimuli and performance of the self, with particular interest in performative arts. Anchored in the concepts of Disidentification and Abjection. Seven chapters taking different approaches in performative writing. Started from poem made for REMOTE CONTROL.
Emotional sci-fi: Techno-marmaids, dancing until the revolution comes, friendship, pelopinchos, gooey eyes and more!

Experimento textual alrededor de la relacion entre la experiencia somatica, el estimulo externo y la performance del 'yo', con un interes particular en las artes performantivas. Anclada en los conceptos de disidentificacion y la abyeccion. Siete capitulos probando diferentes enfoques sobre la escritura performativa. Empezado desde el poema hecho para REMOTE CONTROL.
Ciencia ficcion emocional: tecno-sirenas, bailar hasta que llegue la revolucion, amistad, pelopincho, ojos pegajosos y mas!

Audio book.

First Chapter/Primer Capitulo.