Performance, c. 40 mins.
Photography by Christian Schüller in Frankfurt Lab, July, 2022.

Threading from two previous works (Brain Fugue and I always dance alone/I never dance alone), the DJ/performer is presented as an Oracle. Unable to recall if the information given is complete, useful or even true from past recollections dealing with a group of biohackers turned-mermaids, scientific explorations turned myth, the performer-guide is left to deal with the building blocks of its universe through active repetition, remixing music and fractured speech. Notions of tech-modified natures, encounter with abjection both from pain and pleasure are explored sonically. Romantisation and canonisation of friendship, a pagan hierophany.

Hilvanando sobre dos trabajos previos (Brain Fugue and Brain Fugue and I always dance alone/I never dance alone), la DJ/performer es presentada como un Oraculo. Incapaz de reconocer si la informacion dada esta completa, util, o si quiera verdad de pasadas recolecciones que tratan sobre un grupo de biohackers convertides en sirenas, exploraciones cientificas convertidas en mito, la perfomer-guia trata con los bloques constitutivos de ese universo mediante la repeticion activa, remixando musica y fracturando el habla. Nociones de naturalezas tecno-modificadas, el encuentro con la abjecion mediante el placer y el dolor son explorados sonicamente. Romantizacion y canonizacion de la amistad, una hierofonia pagana.